Monday, 3 August 2009

The White Horse of Manoa


  1. what an absolutely magical image of such an absolutely magnificently beautiful animal! i am transported there! am very taken with your blogs - and so appreciative of your following along over at my travel journal - i've several others still in infancy so to speak, one of which is a genealogical journey into my family's roots - recently joined the ancestry site and am fascinated with the information flowing forth there - in any event, lest i digress further, thanks again for your interest - and for sharing these breathtaking images - jenean

  2. Thank you jenean for your kind words. I also find your blog fulfills the mystical side of me.

  3. oh, hello, - was just over browsing your places again - and, again, find only beautiful words and images - have a wonderful evening - jenean

  4. what a beautiful romantic image of a horse


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